The last couple of months has been so crazy! I’ve been juggling and tackling through so much that at times it has left me with no energy to even contemplate recording an episode. There’s been so many things I’ve lived through that I wanted to share … they will come eventually. During this break from LivingWell Talks, I have launched my new book Sleeping Under the Bridge, produced a short film, and done a host of other media stories.
Hope 103.2 recorded my story and it will be shared over 4 weeks in October on their FINDING HOPE PODCAST. They share other people’s stories of finding hope in their dark times, for the same reason I share my story, so that we are able to inspire hope into others. Life is so challenging at times, and we can all do with a little hope.
You can tune into the different parts as they arrive each week on Apple, Google, Spotify or Amazon music, or off their website (links below).